Selling tickets for events can be tough, but this new update may have the answer!

We have amazing news to share you about a new Facebook update;

“Eventbrite has partnered with the social network to launch a new checkout experience for your Facebook events; a first in the UK. At no extra cost, you can now sell tickets or enable free registration directly on Facebook.  And your customers can complete their purchase without ever leaving Facebook.”

This is brilliant news for businesses, marketers & promoters – buying tickets for your event is now easier than ever! Instead of your audience having to leave Facebook to visit Eventbrite the checkout process is now completely seamless! And… even better news – the stats from Eventbrite show that over double the amount of people buy tickets when they are available directly via Facebook. What’s not too love?!

“By selling tickets on Facebook, you’re making sure the ticket buyer never has to leave your Facebook event to complete their Eventbrite order. Their payment information, name, and email address are pulled directly into the order form, so it only takes two taps to buy tickets once Facebook’s checkout process begins.

Attendees can also conveniently access their tickets on Facebook, so they’ll have no problem getting into your event.”



Ready for even more AMAZING news…? Because this Eventbrite partnership is official with Facebook, Facebook are going to love sharing this content all over it’s platform. So, you’re event reach will be high & will rise even higher each time an attendee clicks ‘going’ on your Eventbrite & shares this news with their friends. Perfect!


How can you start to use this AMAZING update?

Once your event is LIVE on Eventbrite, simply go to the “Manage” page on your Eventbrite dashboard. From there, click the “Add to Facebook” tool to create your Facebook event and select the ticket types you’d like to sell. You can track ticket sales on both your Eventbrite and Facebook reporting dashboards. It’s as simple as that!


Go get those ticket sales & we wish you all the luck in the world with promoting, selling out & running your next event!


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