We love Social Media.

We love managing Social Media accounts for our clients.

Ranging from Instagram to LinkedIn, Twitter to Facebook – Social Media Management is the core of our business at Introtweet & we love the variety, challenges & excitement it adds to our business. It’s amazing to bring in leads & enquiries for our clients & to see their Social Media blossom into an effective marketing tool for their business.

Here are just 3 (there are SO many) of the AMAZING benefits of effective Social Media Management

*A time saver!

The biggest potential ‘issue’ with Social Media & businesses is the enormous amount of time it can take up! Social Media is not just randomly writing a tweet & putting it out there. To be successful, a certain amount of time needs to be spent crafting what we would call a ‘perfect’ tweet, finding out when is the perfect time to tweet it, researching the best hashtags to use – the list is endless…

Throw in some online networking, responding to enquiries & trying to keep your presence consistent & you have an enormous & timely task ahead of you.

| If your Social Media is outsourced this will all be done behind-the-scenes & on your behalf.  |


*Always be the first!

We live & breathe all things Social Media so each time a new platform is launched, a Social Media site is updated or a new exciting feature is added, we know about it & can act upon it straight away!

Take this week as an example – Instagram stories have launched & Instagram has allowed you to turn your accounts into a ‘business’ profile by adding a contact button & useful insights. We saw all of this unfold & have been able to use these features for our clients from the word go!

| You’ll always be ahead of the game & be able to utilise new features instantly!  |


*Available 24/7!

Interaction, engagement & enquiries can happen at any time on Social Media. Rightly or wrongly & whatever your opinion is about this – those who engage with you by either leaving a comment, asking a question or with a customer service issue will expect a reply within 30 minutes or so. This expectation can be an absolute nightmare for business owners – especially if you aren’t used to using Social Media so may struggle to even reply at all!

| Be available & never miss an enquiry, question or comment.  |


If you would like to talk to us about effective Social Media Management please send us an email to hello@introtweet.com or give us a call on: 07710 657260.