We were absolutely delighted to be asked to deliver a guest lecture for Business students at Yeovil College yesterday. We spent an afternoon discussing the Introtweet journey and talking to students about some of the key business lessons we have learned since we started nearly 4 years ago. We also shared some of Social Media tips & guidance which they can take forward as they begin to consider their business plans and projects.



As former teachers it was great to be back talking to students and we were really impressed with some of the amazing business ideas the students had already come up with! We will be returning to see the students again for their final presentation of their business plans in a Dragons Dens style format and we can’t wait. We will also be working with a couple of the students as their business mentors as they progress forward with their business plans.

We hope Social Media marketing will be playing a big role in their final plan…!

Here’s what Carey Bastin the students Business Lecturer had to say about our presentation:

“Laura and Pete kindly agreed to come into Yeovil College to deliver a guest lecture to the Business Level 2 students and it was fantastic. They both talked so eloquently about their business ventures and backgrounds and provided the students with food for thought about their Business careers. They both presented in a professional manner and managed the classroom and pace effectively. I look forward to working with them in the future as business mentors for the students. Thank you!”