Struggling to make Twitter work for your business?
Confused about what to tweet?
Unsure about Twitter etiquette?
Read on…

#IntrotweetTip!If you want everyone to see your tweets, don’t start a tweet with the @ symbol! Tweets starting with an @ symbol do not show up in the main newsfeed & are a directed tweet to an individual Twitter user.If you want to include another Twitter user in a tweet, but also want it to be SEEN, try to ensure you always put text before the @ symbol!

Feeling confused about what to tweet? At Introtweet we recommend following the general principle of “The Rules of 3rds” – this is a fantastic way to ensure you always have great content to share, stick to your Twitter strategy & avoid being overly promotional via your Twitter account.The Rule of Thirds goes as follows;Try to share…
1/3 – Your business updates, promotions & news
1/3 – Industry news, news stories & trends
1/3 – More personal inside news such as Business Milestones, day-day activity & client visits.

General Twitter etiquette is that you should follow back those who follow you… however ONLY if you are interested in them! There is no point whatsoever in following people just because they followed you!Follow only your target audience, local businesses & those who you want to engage & build relationships with.Make sure though that when you follow a Twitter account you add them to one of your Twitter lists to make it as easy as possible to stay in touch!

We are running a Twitter for Businessbeginner workshop on Tuesday 29th September at Taunton Rugby club – we would love to see you there!Please pass on the word to any businesses who could be interested!See you soon & please click here for more info!