Launch day is here!

We’re delighted to have launched 6 new Social Media Workshops to be held in Taunton and Exeter in September, October and November. We hugely enjoyed our first Workshop in Taunton in June and we’re delighted with the positive feedback we’ve received. We’ve carefully listened to that feedback and used it to design our new Workshops which will focus exclusively on Facebook and Twitter (both at Beginner and Intermediate level). The confirmed dates and venues for our workshops can be seen below;




Our workshops have been split in to Facebook and Twitter days and also split between Beginner and Intermediate level. This means each day is very targetted and we have a day that will cater for everybody!
Please click on the links above for more details on each day and click here for our Workshop Gallery and Testimonials page. Alternatively, feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.
We hope we’ll see you at one of our workshops soon!