We are thrilled for our Social Media Management client ADPR, who won the Twitter competition #sbs this week! (06/03/2017). #SBS is an official Theo Paphitis competition designed to support small businesses across the UK. Winners enjoy support from fellow winners alongside many networking and business opportunities. I had the pleasure of attending the event a couple of years ago and it was amazing – such a great business opportunity for all attendees!

Theo has also just announced an #SBS Shop where winners can advertise & promote their products – it will be very exciting to see what impact this has on our client!

For a chance of winning you need to tweet an eye catching tweet to Theo Paphitis on Sunday evening, between 5pm & 7:30pm & making sure you include #sbs in your tweet. Theo will then choose six tweets to tweet Monday evening at 8pm!

And we know you want to see it… here is the winning ADPR tweet! You can follow ADPR on Twitter @ADPR_LTD.